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Resurrection CYO Basketball

Resurrection CYO Basketball


Welcome to the Resurrection CYO Coaches Page 

If you have any questions please send an email to [email protected].  Below forms are required to be filled out and submitted before you start coaching.

Safe Environment Requirements

All Resurrection CYO Coaches are required to complete and submit the following forms:

1. Background Check Authorization Form (every 6 years)

The Background Check Authorization Form must be completed by all volunteers before they start working with minors. It authorizes the Archdiocese to conduct a background check to verify an applicant's identity and to determine if he/she has a criminal record.  A new background check is required every six years, or sooner, if new information deems it necessary.  

2. Safe Environment Questionnaire (1 time)

The Safe Environment Questionnaire must be completed by all volunteers before they start working with minors. This questionnaire requires the signer to provide information and acknowledge that he/she received and understands the Archdiocese of NY's Policy on Sexual Misconduct Summary  and the Code of Conduct.

3Online Safer Spaces Training and obtain Certificate of Completion. (1 time)

Please take a picture of Certificate of Completion and email it to [email protected]. 

Resurrection Reference Documentation 

Coaches CYO Reference Document 2022-2023







Thank you all for offering your time, talent and interest to our student-athletes at Resurrection!  Remember that you are the coach, but more than the coach to them.  You are a positive role model for these youngsters and you have the opportunity to make a lasting impression on them. 


1.       Coaches must be familiar with the Archdiocesan Code of Conduct, which you will find in the Coaches’ Corner.  Please observe carefully.

2.       Please make sure the gym is left clean when your practice finishes.

3.       Any accidents must be reported to Marilyn at the Rectory and the proper accident form completed.  The form is also in the Coaches’ Corner.

4.       Coaches must insist on proper behavior, proper language and Christian sportsmanship at all times.  Problems with this should be brought to the attention of the President and the Pastor.

5.       Players should be reminded that it is a privilege and an honor to represent Resurrection parish in a basketball game.

6.       Players should be encouraged to keep up their school work.  Children should budget their time.  All homework must be completed.  We strive for good attendance at PREP Religious Education classes.  Encourage your players to attend Sunday Mass.

7.       No players are allowed in the gym without supervision.  Players should be instructed to wait for the coach outside the gym if the coach is delayed.

8.       Unauthorized personnel should not be present during practices.

9.       During games, an adult, other than the coach should supervise the spectators.

10.   First Aid kits will be accessible for practices and games.

11.   We presume that there are no health issues or concerns for your players.  Any questions should be brought to the attention of the President or the Pastor.

12.   Any problems noted during practices or games should be immediately brought to the President or the Pastor.

13.   If there are issues with parents, these should not be addressed in front of the players.  A meeting should be arranged, with the presence of the President if necessary.

14.   Players must understand the uniforms must be kept neat and clean.  Uniforms are to be worn only for games.

15.   Make sure the middle and grammar school gym doors are closed properly and all lights are shut off.

16.   Finally, coaches should acquaint Haik Kevorkian or the Pastor of any matters they believe merit attention.




Westchester/Putnam County CYO Basketball Rules  

1. PRESSING RULE: Teams may use front court press only under these conditions:


A and B Divisions

C Divisions


Last minute of 4th Quarter

Less than 15 points ahead

Last minute of 4th Quarter

Less than 5 points head


Less than 15 points ahead

Last minute of 4th Quarter

Less than 5 points head


Less than 15 points ahead

Less than 15 points head


Less than 15 points ahead

Less than 15 points head


Less than 15 points ahead

Less than 15 points head


Less than 15 points ahead

Less than 15 points head


2. THREE POINT LINE: For all 6th, 7th and 8th grade teams, if the court has the 3 point line, then the game must be played with the 3 point shot.



Ball Size

Girls 3rd- 8thGrade

28.5” (Woman’s standard)

Boys 3rd- 5thGrade

28.5” (Woman’s standard)

Boys 6th– 8thGrade

29.5” (Men’s standard)

4. FOUL LINE:                                                                                                                                                                


Foul Line

Girls 3rd- 6thGrade

12 Feet from backboard

Girls 7th- 8thGrade

15 Feet from backboard

Boys 3rd- 5thGrade

12 Feet from backboard

Boys 6th– 8thGrade

15 Feet from backboard



Bonus situation begins with the 7th team foul, free throws are one-and-one. The Bonus moves to two free throws on the 10th team foul. (Revised July 2015)


Players may step in on the release of the foul shot for ALL divisions. (Revised July 2015)




Girls and Boys 3rd- 6thGrade

6 minutes

Girls and Boys 7rd- 8thGrade

7 minutes

High School

18 Minute Running Time

  • 1st half - stops last minute
  • 2nd half -stops last twominutes
  • overtime - stops last two minutes


A 3-minute overtime to break a tied score will be used by all age groups. Additional overtimes will be used as needed until a winner is determined. 

In addition to the Archdiocese CYO Code of Conduct, the WPCYO HS Code of Conduct and Penalties will be enforced.

Any player ejected from a game for two technical fouls, or other unsportsmanlike conduct, will be suspended from the next TWO games and may be subject to additional penalties at the discretion of the County Commissioner(s).

Regarding physical abuse of any CYO participant – players, volunteers, or officials - we have a zero-tolerance policy. Any player ejected from a game because of fighting or other physical altercations will be suspended from the next THREE games and may be subject to additional penalties at the discretion of the County Commissioner(s), including expulsion from CYO. 

 8. SCORE:

  • Opposing coaches are asked to communicate with each other in keeping the score respectable in unbalanced games. The table below outlines the allowed victory margin: 


Final Score

Girls and Boys 3rd- 5thGrade

No more than 15 points

Girls and Boys 6rd- 8thGrade

No more than 20 points


  • Each Parish Coordinator is responsible to make sure his/her coaches. or another volunteer update results for Home games on the WPCYO website within 24 hours after a game is played.
  • Exact scores should be reported. In previous years, CYO game scores were reported as a 2 for a Win and a 0 for a Loss. This change is being made to better monitor scores and assist in creating balanced Divisions. Point spread will not be used to break ties or determine standings. Our general CYO philosophy is retained: Emphasis rests not on the number of games won or lost, but on the participants' attitude in victory or defeat. Learning how to lose is just as important as learning how to win. Learning how to win graciously is more important than winning itself.
  • In ALL cases where the final score differential exceeds the victory margin limit, the Coordinator of the winning team MUST send to your Regional Commissioner an explanation.
  • If the point differential in the final score is much greater than the limit set above, the game may result in a forfeit. 


Four timeouts per team per game are allowed. 


Up to two coaches ONLY may sit on the bench. 


  • C Orange Division is for more competitive C teams and will be eligible for season-end playoffs.
  • C Blue Division is for less competitive C teams and/or ones with a .5 or lower record in a C Division in the previous season. Teams in this division will not be eligible for season-end playoffs.


  • Please see the update CYONY Eligibility Rules located on If no program or team exists in a parish, the player may participate on a team of an adjoining parish with authorization from the CYO County Commissioners/Director. Catholic players will not be counted as an exception on the assigned team. The Parish Coordinator must contact the County Commissioners/Director, and the player can only be assigned to a team in a neighboring parish by the County Commissioners/Director.
  • Any WPCYO League Team that does not meet the CYO NY Eligibility Rule of no more than 3 non-parishioners or players who do not attend the Parish school, is considered a Center Team. 
  • CYO Coordinators must inform their WPCYO Commissioner if any of their registered Teams are Center Teams 
  • CYO Coordinators should contact their WPCYO Commissioner if uncertain of Center Team status. 
  • CYO Rosters will be reviewed/verified for Center Team status
  • Center Teams are ineligible for Playoffs.


  • Any team with two forfeits during the season will be ineligible for playoffs.
  • All team fees must be paid before a team is eligible for playoffs.


  • Please see the updated WPCYO Eligibility Rules located on


  Official Fees per game: 

# of Officials

Elementary School

High School


$55 per official

$65 per Official


$80 per official



  • Each team (Home and Away) will pay one official
  • A Parish Coordinator should contact their Supervisor of Officials to discuss a problem involving an official at the parish’s gym.
  • No official can work more than 4 games at your gymnasium.
  • Please make sure to have the officials sign their full name in the scorebook. All Supervisors of Officials have been notified of this requirement. 


Games Cancellation due to reasonable reasons must be called in to your Official Supervisor by 7pm on the Wednesday preceding a weekend game, or by 7pm on the day 3 days prior to a weekday games.  If this procedure is not followed, the team cancelling is at risk of forfeit and both Official Fees must be paid by the cancelling team. 

Reasonable cancellation reasons include unplanned circumstances such as loss of gym time due to maintenance/repairs, school or parish events that require use of a gym, and community/family emergencies.  The following are not acceptable cancellation reasons: a team has a game in an outside league which conflicts with the CYO schedule, missing players due to vacations/parties, and other personal reasons.

The following was adopted at the WPCYO Coordinators Meeting on Sept 13, 2016:  Due to some parishes that are paying rental fees for gym use - If a team forfeits a game, they are not only responsible for both the ref fees, but also an additional $75.00 if the parish has gym fees to pay.

Inclement Weather:

Safety is our primary concern. Games can be cancelled by either team, without forfeit or referee fees, if the weather prevents safe travel. The Coordinator for each team should be involved in any game cancellation. No team is required to travel to any game, if the team does not want to risk going out in bad weather. Weather cancellations should be made within 2 hours of game time, to give teams and referees enough notice.

  • If the HOME Team cancels, the HOME Coordinator must notify the AWAY Team Coordinator
  • If the AWAY Team cancels, the AWAY Team Coordinator must notify the HOME Team Coordinator
  • For any cancelled game, the HOME Team Coordinator must notify:
    • Officials
    • WPCYO Scheduler at [email protected], so the game will be put into cancelled status on the website schedule and affected Coordinators automatically notified by email. 


The Westchester/Putnam CYO High School League is open to Boys and Girls in grades 9 to 12. The only exception is Boys that play on their High School Varsity Team are not eligible, this does not include a HS Boys Varsity B Team. If a Boy is brought up to Varsity after the regular season, for post-season play only, he may continue to play on his HS CYO Team. If a Boy is brought up to Varsity during the regular season, and plays in any regular-season game, he is no longer eligible to play on a HS CYO Team. The NY Archdiocese limit on the number of non-parishioners per team applies to HS.

Players on any Boys and Girls High School Varsity team who have participated in any league or non-league game, are ineligible to participate in CYO leagues grades 8 and below. Exception: Once the Boys’ and/or Girls High School Junior Varsity/Freshman season ends, players who are brought up to play in High School Varsity sectional, intersectional, regional, semifinal or final are eligible to continue play on their CYO team. (Revised July 2015) 



Please click on the link to view the official Archdiocesan CYO Code of Conduct

general cyony code of conduct.pdf


Resurrection CYO Basketball
Reference Information


Resurrection CYO website:
Westchester/Putnam CYO website:


Welcome to Resurrection CYO Basketball and thank you for your involvement!  Please retain this document for future reference during the season.  MJ will refer to Marilyn Jackson and HK will refer to Haik Kevorkian.  Contact info is [email protected]

Important Dates for the Upcoming Season

·         Practices begin the w/o Monday, October 21.

·         Intramural Games start weekend of November 02.

·         4th – 12th Grade travel league games start Saturday, November 09 and end February 07.

·         No games scheduled November 21-24 & December 23-January 02.    

·         County Playoffs are Feb 15-16 and Feb 22-23.  

·         The Archdiocese CYO Playoffs will be held March 01-02 and March 08-09

Safe Environment Forms and Training
The mission of the Archdiocese's "Safe Environment Program" is to ensure the safety of children and young people who have been entrusted to our care in our parishes, schools, religious education classes and other programs.

Each NEW CYO Volunteer/Coach must complete 2 forms and one training. Please print, complete, and deliver the forms and the training certificate to the Rectory (in an envelope marked “CYO Basketball Safer Spaces”) before the season starts.  You can also email the completed forms to [email protected].  You can find these documents in the Safer Spaces tab on our website. 

1.) Authorization for Background Check Form (every 6 years)

2.) Safe Environment Questionnaire Form (one time) 

3.) Safer Spaces Online Training (one time) 

You can find more information about the NY Archdiocese Safe Environment Program at:

Practice Schedule

Practices are scheduled for once a week beginning in mid-October until CYO league games begin on November 17th/18th.  Once games begin, teams will practice once during the week with games on the weekends.  The practice schedule is set for the season.
The gyms are generally in use 100% of our allotted time. No team may have extra or make-up practice time without permission from MJ.  If you switch your practice time with another coach or do not plan on practicing in a given week, please notify MJ.  If you do not use your slot, your practice time will likely be put to good use by another team. 
Please respect the coach in front of you and after you by keeping your kids off the court, except for your allotted time.  Pre and post-practice stretching, team meetings, etc., should be done off the court-- in the lobby vestibules.

Gym Management Procedures & Info – Overview

We need the help of all coaches in managing our gyms.  If the gym is not open upon arrival, the coach should text 914-473-1221. 
·         Coaches should not be left unattended in the gym at any time.  I will not let a team into a gym without a coach present.

·         Let MJ or HK know if there is someone in the gym that you do not recognize.  No one may have any coaching involvement    with the kids at practices or games unless they are a coach designated by the Resurrection CYO Board and certified by the Archdiocese.  We are all bound by a strict set of guidelines on this issue.

·         It is incumbent upon coaches to make sure the gyms are buttoned-up after they are used.  Get your teams involved - the kids should pick up after themselves.  The gym has to be spotless for school the following morning!

·         Please report anything unusual to MJ or HK.  This includes torn nets, broken scoreboard/clock, blown out bulbs, leaks, missing keys, open doors/windows, slippery floor, backboards pulled.   Please don't think someone else will correct it.  We need to know about it to correct it. 

Gym Procedures Specific to Grammar School Gym

·         The Grammar School door (parking lot side), once opened, will lock again when closed.  DO NOT prop the door open to let latecomers in, this is a HUGE safe environment violation.  If players are late, they need to communicate with the coach to be let in.  

·         The GS scoreboard console, medical kit, and ice packets are located in the CYO bins behind the stage (on the Post Road side).  Please handle the scoreboard and console with care.  The scoreboard power switch is located in the corner as you enter the gym on the Post Road side.  The console power switch is on the back of the console.

·         Heat & A/C controls are located in the backstage stairwell next to the facilities closet on the Post Road side of the gym.  The gym gets hot quickly so please do not set the heat too high (65 degrees max).

·         Light switches are located under the near basket and along the stairs to the backstage staircase near the bathroom (on the parking lot side of the gym).

·         The coach with the last practice/game of the day should turn off the lights, the scoreboard, the heat, and close all windows.  Please put the scoreboard console in the CYO storage bins back stage.  Please make sure the school stairwell lights are also turned off. 

·         Lock the outside doors.  No matter what, the last coach has to ensure the doors are locked!)
Gym Procedures Specific to Doty Gym 

·         Players should use downstairs bathrooms.  Under no circumstances should players be in the school cafeteria or hallways.

·         Folding chairs are not allowed in the Doty Gym.

·         Shades in team rooms must be in open view position.

·         Scoreboard console, medical kit and ice packs are located at the scorer’s table.  There are backup portable scoreboards, ice packs, medical kits, and an electric air pump in the storage closet behind the main basket. They are located on the top shelf in the back of the storage closet.

·         There are instructions on how to use the scoreboard console at the scorer’s table.

·         The control for the center court drop-down curtain is behind the scoreboard table.  Turn the key clock-wise or counter-clockwise to raise or lower the curtain.  The curtain is great for teams that practice together in the gym.  

·         The controls to raise / lower the Doty gym baskets are located in the gym office.  The controls are not intuitive.  Written instructions on lowering and raising the baskets are on the wall next to the control panel. 

·         Lights: If you are the last practice of the day, please turn off all the lights on your way out and make sure the doors are locked behind you.  Please - do not touch the breaker panel. 


·         3rd graders will receive their new uniforms from their coach at practice the week of November 6.  Coaches can pick up their uniforms from the Rectory before 4pm during the week.   

·         All 4th-12th graders that ordered a new uniform will receive their new uniforms from their coach at practice the week of November 13.  Coaches can pick up their uniforms from the Rectory before 4pm during the week.  

·         Coaches, please send a spreadsheet or a handwritten note with your team name, player last name and jersey number to [email protected].


Girls use a 28.5” ball from 3rd grade through high school.  Boys use a 28.5” ball in 3rd through 5th grade.  Sixth grade boys’ and older use 29.5” balls.

Resurrection CYO Uniform Policy   

·         For ALL games – including intramurals -- Resurrection CYO participants must wear complete uniforms (team jerseys and shorts).  Jerseys are to be tucked in. 

·         If the player wears a t-shirt under their jersey, it must be white.

·         We ask all coaches to respect & enforce our uniform policy as your players are not only representing their team on the court, but also Resurrection Parish.

Game Day
Set-up and Clean-up:  Games are scheduled by the league on Saturdays and Sundays.  The first team scheduled to play Saturday morning is responsible for helping the Gym Manager set up, and the last scheduled team is required to assist with close up. Coaches and players must clean up after themselves and their fans following every game.

Stage in Grammar School gym:  The stage and backstage are off limits during games.  Please remind parents. 

Scoreboard/Clock:  We have electronic wall-mounted scoreboards in each gym.  The first team on Saturday morning should set it up and the last team on Sunday must make sure it is put away.  The consoles should be stored in the CYO designated area in each gym (Doty: the gym office cabinet; Grammar: the CYO bin back stage).  Please report any issue with the clock or scoreboard as soon as it comes to your attention. There should be someone assigned to work the clock, if no one shows please assign a parent to help.  Anyone working or scoring should not cheer at the table.

Game Schedule / Changes:
The Westchester/Putnam County Coordinators determine the schedules, and maintain the website of schedules, directions and standings for our 4th through 12th grade travel teams at The website will be updated and the travel game schedule will be available about two weeks before the game season starts. The 3rd grade intramural game schedule is already loaded on our website.  The up-to-date schedule and standings for all grades will be accessible from the website.

Changes to Schedule:  We strongly urge that coaches make every effort to play all games as scheduled.  It is very difficult to reschedule games.

Referees are confirmed the Monday prior to each game.  Therefore, if you have to reschedule a game, you must first contact the opposing team’s Coordinator and [email protected] to let them know of the cancellation, and you must do so no later than the Wednesday prior to the game.  If you do not inform these individuals by Wednesday, you will be responsible for paying both referees.  Once you have cancelled a game, you must then work with the opposing Coordinator and Coach to reach agreement on a new date, time, and location.  You should not simply cancel a game without making an immediate effort to find an alternate time and venue.  Do not let it wait until the end of the season.  To check Resurrection gym availability, refer to the online gym schedule on our website and confirm the gym availability with [email protected].  Once you have agreement with the opposing Coordinator/Coach on a new date, time, and venue, email the information to [email protected].  If a coach cancels a game and is unsuccessful in re-scheduling the game, that coach’s team will take a forfeit.

All schedule changes must be confirmed by both parishes and every effort will be made to update the schedule on the WPCYO website.  Please keep an eye on the online schedule and report any discrepancies via email to [email protected].

Snow Policy:
If there is inclement weather, the decision on playing Home Games will be made by the Resurrection Coordinator.  Decisions on Away Games rest with the Coordinator of the opposing parish.  No team can force another team to travel to an Away Game if the team does not want to risk going out in bad weather. This is true even if the game is not officially cancelled. You will be informed of Home and Away game cancellations via email.  Coaches should work with the Resurrection Coordinator, the Scheduling Manager, and the opposing parish Coordinator to reschedule.  Some Home makeup games may need to be played on a weekday and other teams may lose practice time when games are rescheduled.

Ref Fees:  Head Coaches will receive a check in December to cover the referee fees.  The referee fee is $55, per ref, per game, with two refs per game.  For high school, it is $65 per ref, per game, with two refs per game.  One coach pays one referee and the opposing coach pays the other.  If you end up with an opposing team not appearing for a scheduled game, please send an email to [email protected] and ask for assistance collecting a ref payment from the no-show parish. The referees should be paid at the beginning of the game, not the end.

For intramurals, there is one ‘teaching’ ref per game and he is paid $80 per game.  The team that appears FIRST on the site schedule TEAM1 vs. TEAM2, pays the ref.

If you want to use your practice time for an organized scrimmage with ref(s), you are responsible for the ref fee.

Playing Time
There are no official playing time rules dictated by WPCYO.  However, Resurrection CYO has instituted its own playing time rules and coaches must abide by them.  As a program, we strive for equal playing time at all levels of play, with the goal of developing our players.

·         For third grade, and for high school teams, playing time is absolutely equal. 

·         For 4th-8th grade B or C teams, playing time is a minimum of one quarter for every player, with the goal of equal playing time.  At these levels, the only reasons not to give a player equal time are the size of the roster, or the failure to participate meaningfully in practice.  Perceived skill level is never a reason to deny a 4th through 8th grade player, equal playing time. 

·         For 6th through 8th grade A teams, individual playing time is determined by the game coach and is entirely within his or her discretion based on the prevailing circumstances within a particular game.  It is assumed that a player placed on an A team has the requisite skills for that level of competition and will be able to achieve success during games.  Thus, there is no minimum playing time on Select teams.  It is incumbent on the A team coaches to develop their players both on and off the court, and to help them succeed.  Part of a player’s success is built on experiencing game conditions.  As a result, A team coaches are encouraged to look for opportunities for every player to participate in games.

The program will pay for each team to play in two tournaments per season.  Coaches may pay up front and then send an email to the Resurrection Coordinator requesting reimbursement.  To receive reimbursement, please include the following information:






Any fees related to anything other than ref and tournaments must be pre-approved for payment.

Reporting Results:
Each coach has the responsibility to report HOME game results. Actual scores will be reported.  After a HOME game, coaches must report the results of the game online. 


For everyone involved, thank you for being a member of the Resurrection community.  We are grateful for the time and effort put in and we look forward to a fun and rewarding season ahead.

Resurrection CYO Board





Resurrection CYO Basketball
910 Boston Post Road 
Rye, New York 10580

Email: [email protected]

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